Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hi, This Is Mia, How May I Help You?

A quick mention that today is Kick Butts Day, “a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up, and seize control against Big Tobacco”!

Aside from that, I’m back to work, and I’m continuing my search for website designers this week.

While in the midst of constant back-and-forth, question-answer conversations with designers on Fiverr, I decided to post a design request on Upwork to see if there were any candidates there. Like Fiverr, Upwork allows clients to message freelancers individually or make postings public to open up the job to anyone who applies. I thought the latter would be very beneficial for us to make the best hire, so I put my web design request on a public setting.

I didn’t realize the effect this would have until I began receiving multiple notifications from Upwork and separate individual emails from applicants asking me to consider them as possible contenders. And the calls started to come soon after.

Though I’ve previously blogged about acting the secretary, I’ve only accomplished the written part—pen-to-paper notes. I’ve rarely answered the phone during my time at Marvin Medisoft, and when I did I only took brief messages for Ms. Vaidya. Now I found myself in the interview process, inquiring about web design proposals, searching through my notes for answers to their own questions, flustering around for words.

I’m not very good at talking to people on the phone, and this interview process confirmed it—at least in the beginning.

During the first call, I forgot to introduce myself, and when we finished talking the designer had to ask who was speaking. To me, “Mia Carlson” seems like an ordinary name to spell, but I guess the translation got fuzzy on the other end, because when he emailed me afterwards, he wrote, “Hi Miaca Erlsom”, which I really had to laugh at. After that little mix-up, Ms. Vaidya advised me to answer all future calls with “Hi, this is Mia, how may I help you?”, which definitely lessens the awkward confusion if interviewees ask for my name.

The second call went a bit better (he definitely knew my first name was not Miaca), but when I was asked to spell my name, I think I blurted out, “‘M’ as in ‘Mia’”, which I’m guessing isn’t very helpful.

Third time’s the charm? Not for me, apparently. “I” sounds like “Y” (go figure!), so this particular designer wrote back, “Hello Mya”.

In the fourth call, I finally figured out how to spell my own name, ask the right questions, and jot down notes at the same time, but I was still nervous on the phone.

Throughout this process, I learned the ways around a phone interview, the value of customer service from a business perspective, and the tricks to sounding out my name and its letters very clearly.

I am currently in contact with six candidates, mostly by email (where I am much better with my words), and I hope to decide on one by the end of the week.

Crossing my fingers that I’ll find the best person to hire!
Mia Lu / Miaca Erlsom / Mya


  1. Hi Mia! It's great to read about how things have been going! :)
    I've also worked with Fiverr and Upwork in the past so I get the difficulty of finding designers who meet your needs in the best possible way. I'm glad everything's going well, even if some still call you Mya (flashback to every substitute teacher ever haha). I hope you're able to find a great designer soon!

  2. Jayati, I miss you so much!! Thank you for commenting!

    Oh my gosh, you're so right, school throwback! :)

    Thanks again!

  3. This was really fun to read :) I like how you remember your past conversations with so much detail. And your closing line is great :)

    Good luck finding a designer and with everything else during your internship!

  4. Hello Mia!
    I can relate to the name struggle seeing as how my first grade teacher who called me M for the entire year. That being said, you managed quite the collection of variations in one day.
    Will you please elaborate on how Kick Butts Day relates to your research project?

    1. I decided to do blog posts on "March Awareness" because March is a big month for awareness campaigns. A lot of what I do on social media is try to promote/raise awareness of nutrition and health to the general public, so I wanted to share this on my blog.

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Hey Mia, I've noticed that there is now a Marvin Medisoft instagram, did you set that up?

    1. I did not set that up. I think Marvin may have had IG in the past, but never really used it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

  6. What an adventure!! These are important skill sets to learn and you're definitely getting a head start - these are some of the skills that we don't always learn in school. Although, I will say that I strongly believe that "Miaca Erlsom" is a stretch!

    Have you established a key set of questions that you keep nearby? What have you found to be the best way to organize your notes and the accompanying interview process? Overall, was this influx of phone calls a helpful one and do you feel like Fiverr and Upwork are helpful platforms?

    1. I love these questions!

      I keep many of my questions in a nearby notebook, and I write notes/comments about each interview on different pages. Once I solidify the best way to phrase the questions so they are easy to follow/answer (based on previous interviews), I type them into a Google doc and read off it when I'm on a call. I find that sectioning out the same doc by name is very helpful when comparing candidates. Excel spreadsheets are also a great way for me to organize specifics like price, example websites, etc.

      I think phone calls are a good way to clarify certain points, but I find that email works just as well (maybe even a little better) because there's less confusion, and the written words are more concise (they know exactly what we want).

      Fiverr and Upwork are very helpful sites for this project. I think it's easier to communicate on Fiverr, but the latter does appear a little more professional in the process (from which I receive the phone calls and detailed proposals).

  7. Mya ;) sounds like you learned so much in one day! I'm sure you'll completely get the hang of it with a few more phone conversations. Good luck on choosing a candidate! (but maybe not the one who thought you were Miaca Erlsom, b/c what kind of name is that???)

    1. Thanks! :)
      Haha, I didn't want to be rude, so in my email to him I just casually slipped in my email signature "Mia Carlson". He got the hint. ;)

  8. Hi Miaca!

    I guess practice makes perfect, right? I think it's really cool that you've adapted so quickly to such an intimidating task (in my personal opinion). Do you plan on making a script to question these designers or are there not too many calls left to make?

    1. Yeah, it definitely became easier with each additional call.

      Good question - Though there haven't been many calls lately, I did create a list of questions/requests/requirements in the beginning of my search, which acted as a guide throughout the calls.
