Monday, March 14, 2016

Daily National Anthems // March Awareness

Happy Pi Day, everyone!

Good news is, it’s not just a day of infinite numbers and tasty dessert. As I’ve said, March is filled with a plentitude of national awareness days, and today just happens to be National Napping Day! Yep, an entire day dedicated to the importance of a healthy snooze after Daylight Savings begins. I—and all of you Arizona inhabitants—have never experienced time “springing forward” since we don’t change our clocks (and the sun always seems to shine), but I don’t think I would appreciate it if last night’s sleep were cut an hour short. So, in exchange for this significant lack of sleep time, we have National Napping Day right after the clocks change.

Naps are physically and mentally healthy and can really make a difference in one’s day. Check out this link: National Napping Day: 7 Surprising Benefits of Taking a Daily Nap

Fact of the day: There are 3 types of napping: planned napping, emergency napping, and habitual napping. They are all self-explanatory, but to give some perspective, when you know you’re going to be studying very late, you may want to take a planned nap when you get home. However, when you fall asleep while you’re looking at your notes, you fall prey to an emergency nap. And when you decide to doze at 7:30 pm every night, you’re choosing to take a habitual nap.

Aside from National Napping Day, there are dozens of March Awareness days, many of which people don’t even know exist. For example, I didn’t realize that Crown of Roast Pork Day, Awkward Moments Day, or Open an Umbrella Indoors Day were actually recognized as national celebrations in the month of March. Although these sound quite amusing, there are definitely other worthwhile awareness days that caught my eye, such as Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN) Day, Kick Butts Day, and Be Heard Day.

Hope you all find a day in March worth reveling in! (I don’t know about you, but I’m impatiently awaiting National Awkward Moments Day (3/18) and National Ravioli Day (3/20).)

Research project updates coming soon!
Mia Lu

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