Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Navigating the Social Scene

I’ll admit it, I’m not familiar with the world of social media in the slightest. My friends and classmates, who try to convince me to join the scene, have not yet succeeded. I even disabled my Google Plus account because I rarely used it (maybe once a year, at the most).

However, for this project, I have been given access to Marvin Medisoft’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts to perform research and analysis. The first thing I noticed was that social media are extremely busy, in layout and in content. This did not surprise me, but I was still a bit overwhelmed by the material. I also realized how dedicated users are in terms of consistency and content. It must take great effort (especially for small businesses) to remain noticed by others in a scene where so much is going on. Kudos to everyone who keeps up with it!

Becoming familiar with this social media scene definitely pertains to my upcoming tasks as an intern. I plan to outline strategies for three of Marvin Medisoft’s existing media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) with a goal to inform and educate, as opposed to direct advertising. By isolating them and determining which content to post on each, I will be able to categorize the information and aim this towards target audiences.

With that in mind, I myself am interested to continue research on social media and the power they can have for small businesses.

Stay social!
Mia Lu


  1. How ironic that you have chosen a project concerning social media! You are likely the perfect person for it, bringing no prior knowledge or personal biases regarding the various media platforms.

    After your first week on-site, are you any more or less inclined to personally use social media in the future? If so, is there a platform that you would lean towards?

    1. Ms. Mitrovich, thanks so much for your comment.

      After a week of familiarizing myself with social media, I definitely see the benefits, especially in terms of raising awareness/promoting a cause and even just staying in contact with others. Personally, I am a bit inclined to try using it (maybe throughout college in order to keep in touch with the BASIS community), but probably not to the extent others do.

      Social media is a very powerful tool for the layman as well as the professional, and if ever I find myself extremely passionate about a movement or cause, I would definitely consider pushing it on social media.

  2. Hey Mia, I was wondering which platform is the most used by the firm you're interning at?

    1. Great question!

      Initially, Marvin Medisoft, in terms of social media, posted news/updates about TPN 2000, the actual software product, but it was not receiving much traffic. So, Marvin Medisoft changed focus and began to promote general nutrition and health to boost awareness, which did prove more desirable. That's where the business stands currently in social media.

  3. I applaud you on your efforts to familiarize yourself with social media in order to carry out this project. I hope you are successful in your endeavors!

  4. How will you be separating the information to be posted on each site (ex. Facebook vs. Twitter)..would it be aimed at age groups that frequent each particular social media network? Also I think it's super cool that you are working with social media, especially since you have had so little contact with it before now--I look forward to hearing about your position on each of the sites and hope you find some potential merits from using them. Good luck!

    1. Vanessa, that's a good question...I'm still trying to work out how to organize/categorize the content. No doubt it will require experimentation and trial and error. As far as age groups go, I'm not sure the information I will be posting will necessarily pertain to different ages, but it is definitely a platform I'll consider, thanks.

      Oh, and also, Marvin Medisoft's Twitter feed is linked to the Facebook page, so posting on Facebook would automatically account for tweets. Once I figure out the content part, I will see what I can put on Twitter that is different from Facebook.

      Thanks again for your input!

  5. Mia! Your project seems so cool! Despite seeing you almost every day, I had no idea what you were doing :) Hope it goes well and can't wait to hear more!
